Pray1040 makes it easy for everyday believers to develop the habit of praying for the 10/40 Window.

Choose a prayer plan



Choose A Country

Frontier People Groups

The Persecuted Church

The 10/40 Window

The Great Commission
“Go therefore and make disciples of all ethne” – Matthew 18:19
will not be complete until all unreached people groups An unreached people group is an ethnic group (or ethne) that is less than 2% evanglical Christian. have received the gospel.


85% of the remaining unreached people groups are in the 10/40 Window.

World map showing the 10 40 Window

The 10/40 Window is a geographic area that stretches from 10°N to 40°N latitude and from Morocco to Japan.


The 10/40 Window

10/40 Window map with country names Image courtesy of

The majority of people in the 10/40 Window are blinded from seeing the light of gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ because they are following Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or are non-religious.

10/40 Window Religions Map

Satan is fighting hard to keep these unreached people groups from being reached by persecuting the church in these areas.


World Watch List

Below is the World Watch List.

It’s a map of the Top 50 countries where Christian persecution is the highest.

World Watch List map with 1040 Window Base map image courtesy of Open Doors USA

Notice the overlap with the 10/40 Window?


The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world. 

They are powerful and effective to demolish the strongholds of Satan.

JOIN US in demolishing Satan’s strongholds in the 10/40 Window through prayer.


Choose A Prayer Plan

Choose a prayer plan that matches your heart for the nations.

The Persecuted Church

Pray for the Top 50 countries in the world where Christians are persecuted most severely.

1 email per week

Pray For
10, 25, or 50 weeks

The 10/40 Window

Learn about the geography and history of a new 10/40 Window country each week, then pray along with a local believer for their country using the Prayercast video!

1 email per week

Pray For
10 or 52 weeks

Frontier People Groups

Pray for the 38 largest frontier people groups in the world.

1 email per week

Pray For
10 or 38 weeks

Choose a Country

Pray for a specific country with curated content from Prayercast, Operation World, Open Doors and Joshua Project.

1 email per week

Pray For
13 weeks

Most Unique UPGs

Learn about and pray for the most unique unreached people groups in the world.

1 email per week

Pray For
20 weeks

How Pray1040 Works

Step 1: Subscribe

Subscribe to the “educational prayer” email series you want to pray through.

Step 2: Learn & Pray!

Learn and pray for 5-10 minutes each week when you get an email!

Why Pray1040 Works


Our email series feature the best prayer content available from Prayercast, Operation World, Open Doors and Joshua Project.


Choose a prayer plan that matches your heart for the nations!

Bite-Sized Content

Each weekly email takes less than 10 minutes to read and pray through.


Receive our prayer content while you’re on the go!


Emails are auto-magically sent to your inbox, so you won’t forget!


My prayer life for the nations before Pray1040 was sadly… nonexistent. I often go through life with blinders on where I only think about my life. The Pray1040 emails are a weekly reminder to open my eyes and heart to the rest of the world. It’s absolutely worth the “extra” email in my inbox.

As a bonus, I enjoy learning aspect of the Prayercast emails and seeing the countries in the videos makes me want to go visit them!

Drew G.

Kentucky, USA

happy white male with red shirt


WE BELIEVE the prayers of everyday believers for the nations are vital to seeing the Great Commission completed.

THE PROBLEM is that even though millions of everyday believers want to be praying for the nations, most have trouble integrating prayer for the nations into their busy schedules.

OUR SOLUTION is to send the best prayer resources about the 10/40 Window to everyday believers via email to conveniently remind them to pray for the nations.

OUR VISION is to unleash over 1,000,000 prayers for the unreached by simply reminding everyday believers to pray for the nations and using the best prayer resources to do so.


10/40 Window Countries

Unreached People Groups

Prayers Unleashed So Far

Satan is fighting hard to keep you from praying for the 10/40 Window.

Don't let him win!

Fight back today by signing up to take 10 minutes per week to learn about and pray for the countries of the 10/40 Window.

Pray for The 10/40 Window

Let's Build Together!

We’re always looking for talented people to help us build out this vision and get the word out about Pray1040 to every Christian in the world!