Get Involved
Get involved in reaching the nations in your city and around the world through the 4 Practices and 4 Disciplines below.
Find your best next step in reaching the nations.
4 Practices
Connect with other believers who are going short-term or long-term, sending missionaries, welcoming internationals, and mobilizing others to go.
Go on a short-term trip or become a career missionary
Send missionaries to the field and fund mission projects
Welcome the nations in your city and on your campus
Mobilize your church, campus, family, and small group
4 Disciplines
Develop the disciplines of living in community, intercessory prayer, living in simplicity, and committing to a lifetime of learning.
Join others praying for unreached people groups.
Live simply so that you can give radically and go easily.
Find community with believers welcoming the nations
Learn more through biographies, books, classes & sermons
Go on a short-term trip or take steps toward becoming a career missionary.
search hundreds of short term trips from 60+ organizations
The Traveling Team’s “Trusted Agencies”
find an agency by comparing The Traveling Team’s 15 Trusted Agencies
Ask A Missionary
real Q&A with real missionaries about real life
International Project
10-month training in NYC on catalyzing church planting movements cross-culturally
Global Frontier Missions
5-month intensive in Atlanta, GA to prepare people for effective cross-cultural ministry overseas or stateside
Launch Global
9-month training to discover God’s will, develop as a disciple-maker and deploy for maximum impact
Live simply so that you can send missionaries to the field and fund mission projects.
Send People
filter hundreds of missionaries by organization, focus, geography and even whether they are Perspectives alumni!
Your Church
ask your church if they have any missionaries serving among unreached people groups
5 Ways
a great article about 5 Ways You Can Support Missionaries
Fund Projects
Perspectives Global
help Perspectives get translated into the major languages of the world
give toward Pray1040’s mission of unleashing 1 million prayers over the 10/40 Window!
Mission Organizations
browse the websites of The Traveling Team’s “Trusted Agencies” for projects to give to
Get connected to a community of people around you who are welcoming internationals in your city and on your campus.
In your city
No Place Left
join others using 4 Fields to multiply disciples, churches, leaders, and movements until there is No Place Left
World Relief
empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable
On your campus
Bridges International
serve, promote social connections, and engage in spiritual conversations so that students become leaders internationally
International Friendships
extend life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students out of reverence to Jesus
International Students
share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others
Mobilize your church, your campus, your family, and your small group
6 Ways: Mobilize
Your family
Weave Family
activities, educational content, books and even recipes for your family to learn about and connect with unreached people groups
The Journey
15 take home sheets that correspond with each Perspectives lesson with hands-on activities
Your church
mission coaches for your church
Mission Rev
qualified presenters speak at your church for a missions-focused weekend
Catalyst Services
a hub for churches, networks, and agencies to fully involve believers in global witness
Your campus
The Traveling Team
schedule their speakers to come to your campus & explore their vast array of resources
Campus Ministry Today
articles and tools for campus ministry leaders so they can reach, train and send college students to the nations
Your small group
a 7-lesson small-group discussion resource to help people gain a heart for the nations
Go Mobilize
a 7-lesson study on God’s love for the nations, unreached people groups, and how to get involved
Pray for unreached people groups and the persecuted church in the 10/40 Window
Pray Weekly
Pray For 10/40 Window Countries
Take 10 minutes each week to learn about the geography and history of a new 10/40 Window country, then pray along with a local believer for that country using the Prayercast video
Pray For The Persecuted Church
Take 10 minutes each week to learn about and pray for the Top 50 countries where Christian persecution is the most intense right now
Pray Daily
Unreached of the Day
Get Joshua Project’s Unreached of the Day by email, in the app, or in your web browser
Operation World
Receive a daily prayer email or use their app to pray for the nations
Dive deeper into Perspectives topics with the following biographies, books, classes and sermons.
Desiring God
almost 30 in-depth missionary biographies written by John Piper
The Traveling Team
quick-hitting biographies on some of the most famous missionaries in history
Mission Books
hundreds of books sorted by religion, region, and topic
CMM Press
mission mobilization, family mobilization, support raising and campus ministry books
Encountering the World of Islam
12 lesson online course that guides you on a journey into the lives of Muslims around the world and in your neighborhood
If you’re not a Perspectives alumni, you need to become one! It will ruin your life! (for God’s glory among the nations)
Mission Frontiers
innovative insights on a wide range of topics from the most creative minds and well-known frontier mission thought leaders
A Third Of Us
hundreds of books sorted by religion, region, and topic
stories and insights from the field on multiplying disciples and churches. everywhere.
Desiring God
John Piper’s messages on World Missions
filter the Topic drop down for David Platt’s messages on missions
The Village Church
all messages from The Village Church on missions.
Featured Resources
Check out some of our favorite missions-related books below.