

December 2021

10/40 Window Countries

  • Pray1040 launched as a single landing page that allowed people to learn about and pray for fifty-two 10/40 Window countries over 52 weeks using content from Prayercast
April 2022

Persecuted Church

  • We partnered with Open Doors USA to allow people to learn about and pray for the Top 50 countries where persecution is most intense using content from their World Watch List
May 2022

Frontier People Groups

  • We partnered with Joshua Project to allow people to learn about and pray for the 38 frontier people groups with over 10 million people
June 2022

Former USSR

  • Learn about and pray for the 15 countries of the former USSR (created after Russia invaded Ukraine)
July 2022

World Christian Connection

  • Connect with other World Christians reaching the nations around you!
August 2022

Kid’s Corner

  • We partnered with Weave to deliver age-appropriate resources for families to learn about God’s heart for the nations, kids from unreached people groups and family activity ideas
September 2022

Join the 1%

  • Join other World Christians who are giving at least 1% of their income directly to the unreached
January 2023

Missions Bookstore

  • Browse the largest online bookstore devoted to global missions! Use our filters to sort 120+ titles.
OCT 2023

Choose a Country

  • Pray for the 10 largest unreached people groups of 40+ specific 10/40 Window countries

Most Unique UPGs

  • Pray for a curated list of the most unique unreached people groups in the world!

Pray1040 App

  • Access content on Pray1040 with the Pray1040 App. The app will also pave the way for Pray1040 LIVE


  • Receive live updates on church planting progress based on the cities, countries or regions you choose

Pray for [you choose]

  • Pray Scripture prayers over any people group, city or country. Fill in the blank, we’ll send you the emails

Help fund the future of Pray1040

As you can see, we’re hard at work making Pray1040 the best place to learn about and pray for unreached people groups in the 10/40 Window!

But we need your help!