Pray for Nepal
Learn about and pray for Nepal in just 5 minutes per week!
Receive one email per week for 13 weeks about Nepal’s history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.
Pray along with a local believer for their nation.
Operation World
Pray through Operation World's country profile.
World Watch List
Pray through the country's persecution profile.
WEEKS 4-13
People Groups
Pray for the country's 10 largest unreached people groups.
Nepal is a country of incredible natural beauty. From the majestic Himalayan mountain range to the lush green valleys, the landscape of Nepal is breathtaking. Nepal is home to 8 of the 10 highest mountain peaks in the world. The forests are home to endangered species like the Bengal tiger and the one-horned rhinoceros.
The Nepalese people are famous for their warm hospitality, rich cultural traditions, and vibrant festivals.
But despite its beautiful landscape and people, it is still very unreached by the gospel. Nepal has the 5th highest number of unreached people groups.
Read on to learn how you can pray for Nepal!
Fast Facts
Capital City: Kathmandu
Population: 30.5 million (89% unreached)
People Groups: 269
10/40 Window: Yes
Major People Group Affinity Blocs: South Asian 78%, Tibetan-Himalayan 21%
Language: Nepali
GDP Per Capita: $2,700
Literacy Rate: 64%
Did you know? Nepal has the only flag that is not in the shape of a rectangle.
Pray for Nepal’s unreached people groups
Nepal is a small nation of a little over 10 million people, but it is diverse ethnically and very unreached. 89% of Nepal’s population lives in an unreached people group.
Below are the 10 largest unreached people groups in Nepal:
Name | Religion | Population |
1. Chhetri | Hinduism | 5,035,000 |
2. Brahmin Hill | Hinduism | 3,683,000 |
3. Magar | Hinduism | 2,164,000 |
4. Tharu | Hinduism | 1,753,000 |
5. Newah | Hinduism | 1,514,000 |
6. Kami | Hinduism | 1,441,000 |
7. Yadav | Hinduism | 1,042,000 |
8. Shaikh | Islam | 937,000 |
9. Darjee | Hinduism | 540,000 |
10. Thakuri | Hinduism | 487,000 |
What is the largest religion in Nepal?
The largest religion in Nepal is Hinduism (81%), followed by Buddhism (9%) and Islam (4%).
What is the largest unreached people group in Nepal?
The largest people group in Nepal is the Chhetri. They are a mostly Hindu people group of just over 5,000,000 people.
How many unreached people groups are in Nepal?
Nepal has 258 unreached people groups: 187 are Hindu, 41 are Muslim, and 29 are Buddhist.
Pray for Christians being persecuted
Nepal went from having the 34th highest persecution in 2021, to 48th in 2022, to being off of the World Watch List in 2023 and 2024. But that doesn’t mean that persecution in Nepal is lessening; it just means that persecution in other countries is intensifying.
The most common form of persecution comes as converts convert from Hinduism to Christianity. Persecution is more intense in rural areas.
World Watch List
You can learn about Christian persecution and pray for our brothers and sisters who being persecuted around the world by praying through the Open Doors’ World Watch List.
“[God] has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.”
How to pray for Nepal
Nepal is a small Himalayan country that is ethnically diverse and largely unreached by the gospel. Here’s how to pray for Nepal…
Please pray for:
- The government to continue to allow Christian humanitarian NGOs to operate
- The gospel to spread among the Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim peoples
- redevelopment to continue following the earthquake of 2015
- more workers to go to the remote mountain villages
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.“
Pray for Nepal
“Slow drip” your learning and prayers for Nepal: its history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.