Pray for Indonesia

Learn about and pray for Indonesia in just 5 minutes per week!

Receive one email per week for 13 weeks about Indonesia’s history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.


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Operation World

Pray through Operation World's country profile.


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World Watch List

Pray through the country's persecution profile.

WEEKS 4-13

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People Groups

Pray for the country's 10 largest unreached people groups.


Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic state with over 17,000 islands, faces the challenge of unity amidst its diverse culture and languages.

The 2004 tsunami tragedy brought a sense of unity but challenges persist. Colonized by various powers until independence in 1945, Indonesia underwent periods of oppressive rule, notably under General Suharto. His rule ended in 1997, marking an era of reconstruction and economic growth.

Despite being the most populous Muslim nation, religious persecution exists. The church experiences unity through persecution, fostering the growth of mission organizations and evangelism.

Indonesians also face unique challenges due to geographical transitions caused by resettlement projects and natural disasters.

Praise the Lord for the emergence of a national language, Indonesian, facilitates Gospel communication across ethnic boundaries.

Read on to learn how you can pray for Indonesia.


Indonesia woman with hat in fields folding her hands
group of Indonesian people dressed in red and white and smiling
map of Indonesia

Fast Facts

Capital City: Jakarta

Population: 277 million (70% unreached)

People Groups: 787

Unreached People Groups: 240

Frontier People Groups: 113

10/40 Window: Yes

map of people groups in Indonesia

Major People Groups: 32% Javanese (Orang Jawa); 17% Sundanese (Urang Sunda); 7% Madurese

Major Religions: Muslim 80%, Christian 13%

Language: Javanese, Indonesian, Sunda

GDP Per Capita: $11,400

Literacy Rate: 96%

Did you know? With over 722 languages spoken, Indonesia holds the title for the highest number of distinct languages in one nation.

Also, Sumatra and Borneo are the only places where you can find orangutans in the wild, offering a unique opportunity for wildlife enthusiasts.

Pray for the unreached people groups of Indonesia

Indonesia has almost 800 people groups! And it has over 20 unreached people groups with over 1 million people.

Below are the 10 largest unreached people groups in Indonesia:


Name Religion Population
1. Sunda Islam 38,659,000
2. Java Pesisir Lor Islam 37,732,000
3. Java Mancanegari Islam 21,091,000
4. Java Banyumasan Islam 9,274,000
5. Madura Islam 7,681,000
6. Minangkabau Islam 6,915,000
7. Betawi Islam 5,749,000
8. Bugis Islam 5,749,000
9. Java Pesisir Kulon Islam 5,227,000
10. Banjar Islam 4,416,000


Pray for Christians being persecuted

Indonesia is ranked #42 on the 2024 World Watch List published by Open Doors.

Indonesia has taken on a more conservative Islamic character in recent years, which can put pressure on Christians, especially converts.

These believers will likely experience intense pressure from their families to return to Islam. A church seen to be preaching the gospel soon runs into opposition from Islamic extremist groups, especially in rural areas. Thanks to effective anti-terror police, violence towards Christians by Islamic extremists is uncommon, but many new Christians move towns to escape harassment.


World Watch List

You can learn about Christian persecution and pray for our brothers and sisters who being persecuted around the world by praying through the Open Doors’ World Watch List.


โ€œ[God] has delivered us from such a deadly peril,ย and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hopeย that he will continue to deliver us,ย as you help us by your prayers.ย Then many will give thanksย on our behalf for the gracious favor granted usย in answer to the prayers of many.โ€


2 Corinthians 1:10-11

Pray for Indonesia

ย “Slow drip” your learning and prayers forย  Indonesia: its history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.