Pray for Egypt
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Operation World
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World Watch List
Pray through the country's persecution profile.
WEEKS 4-13
People Groups
Pray for the country's 10 largest unreached people groups.
Egypt boasts an ancient legacy, renowned for the pyramids, rich history, and the biblical exodus. Amidst its desert landscapes, the Nile’s fertile banks host sprawling cities. The most populous country in the Arab world, Egypt’s local and global influence is significant.
The Arab Spring triggered political turbulence across the region, and Egypt’s own mass protests led to President Mubarak’s ousting. Subsequent clashes and a polarizing divide persist. An increasingly repressive government and Islamic extremism plague the nation. Economic challenges, corruption, resource strain, and water scarcity afflict Egyptians. The Coptic Church, representing 12% of the population, faces intense persecution. Yet, despite the suffering, Christianity is growing, with Muslims turning to Christ. Egypt’s historic role in Sunni Islam also continues, making it a pivotal nation for both faiths.
Fast Facts
Capital City: Cairo
Population: 112 million (11% unreached)
People Groups: 42
10/40 Window: Yes
Major People Groups: 61% Egyptian Arab; 24% Upper Egyptian Arab; 6% Sudanese Arab
Major Religions: Islam 90%
Language: Arabic
GDP Per Capita: $12,000
Literacy Rate: 71%
Did you know? The Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799, played a crucial role in deciphering hieroglyphics. It contains the same text in three scripts: Greek, hieroglyphic, and demotic.
Pray for the unreached people groups of Egypt
Below are the 10 largest unreached people groups in Egypt:
Name | Religion | Population |
1. Algerian, Arabic-speaking | Islam | 2,027,000 |
2. Arab, Moroccan | Islam | 1,981,000 |
3. Arab, Sudanese | Islam | 1,935,000 |
4. Arab, Arabic Gulf Spoken | Islam | 1,867,000 |
5. Bedouin, Eastern Bedawi | Islam | 1,284,000 |
6. Romani, Halebi | Islam | 1,000,000 |
7. Nubian, Arabized | Islam | 598,000 |
8. Nubian, Fedicca-Mohas | Islam | 495,000 |
9. Arab, Libyan | Islam | 474,000 |
10. Arab, Yemeni | Islam | 197,000 |
Pray for Christians being persecuted
Egypt is ranked #38 on the 2023 World Watch List published by Open Doors.
Egypt is a country where Christians are supposedly allowed freedom of religion, but the authorities fail to protect them from local opposition and even violence.
Christian women report being harassed and beaten for not wearing Islamic dress. In rural areas, whole Christian communities have been driven out. Converts from Islam face enormous pressure from their families to return to Islam, and cannot be legally registered as Christians. Though violence has slightly decreased, at least five Christians were killed for their faith last year.
World Watch List
You can learn about Christian persecution and pray for our brothers and sisters who being persecuted around the world by praying through the Open Doors’ World Watch List.
Pray for Egypt
“Slow drip” your learning and prayers for Egypt: its history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.