Pray for Cambodia
Learn about and pray for Cambodia in just 5 minutes per week!
Receive one email per week for 13 weeks about Cambodia’s history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.
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Operation World
Pray through Operation World's country profile.
World Watch List
Pray through the country's persecution profile.
WEEKS 4-13
People Groups
Pray for the country's 10 largest unreached people groups.
Cambodia, nestled in Southeast Asia and bordered by neighboring countries, is recovering from a tumultuous past. The nation endured violent governmental changes, invasions, and the brutal Khmer Rouge regime. Despite the trauma, Cambodia is striving for peace and freedom.
With a predominantly Buddhist population, the emergence of Evangelical Christianity has persisted. Open worship since 1990 has led to the establishment of many new churches. However, the aftermath of historical trauma presents social and emotional challenges, making mature Christian leadership crucial for addressing the needs of the people, especially the younger generation, and fostering spiritual growth.
Read on to learn how you can pray for Cambodia.
Fast Facts
Capital City: Phnom Penh
Population: 17 million (96% unreached)
People Groups: 44
10/40 Window: Yes
Major People Groups: 85% Khmer
Religion: Buddhism 82%
Language: Khmer
GDP Per Capita: $4,200
Literacy Rate: 80%
Did you know? Apsara dance, a traditional Khmer dance form, is known for its intricate hand movements and storytelling through dance
Pray for the unreached people groups of Cambodia
Cambodia is majority-Buddhist nation of only 17 million people with a fast-growing church. Below are the 10 largest unreached people groups in Cambodia:
Name | Religion | Population |
1. Khmer | Buddhism | 14,235,000 |
2. Vietnamese | Buddhism | 827,000 |
3. Khmer Krom | Buddhism | 284,000 |
4. Western Cham | Islam | 256,000 |
5. Teochew | Ethnic Religions | 185,000 |
6. Min Nan | Ethnic Religions | 147,000 |
7. Kui | Buddhism | 35,000 |
8. Lao | Buddhism | 24,000 |
9. Cantonese | Ethnic Religions | 23,000 |
10. Malay | Islam | 18,000 |
Pray for Cambodia
“Slow drip” your learning and prayers for Cambodia: its history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.